BDFP Overview
Built-in 1952, the Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) is San Francisco’s largest wastewater facility and treats 80% of the City’s sewage and stormwater flows. Many of the existing SEP solids treatment facilities are over 60 years old, require significant maintenance, and are operating well beyond their useful life.
To ensure our sewer system continues to provide sustainable and reliable operations, we are committed to upgrading our largest and oldest treatment facility. The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP) will replace and relocate the outdated existing solids treatment facilities with more reliable, efficient, and modern technologies and facilities that will help transform the SEP into a modern resource recovery facility, a proud neighborhood asset, and an attractive workplace. The new facilities will produce higher-quality biosolids, capture and treat odors more effectively, and maximize biogas utilization. In addition, the project will locate the digesters farther away from existing residences and make visual improvements in and around the SEP.
The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project team and the SFPUC are invested in the underserved by providing pathways into apprenticeship, job training and employment.
To ensure local residents have the opportunity to participate on Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) projects, we actively partner with multiple public and community-based organizations in the community, including the Office of Economic and Workforce Development’s (OEWD) CityBuild Program and the SF Building and Construction Trades.
Please visit the SFPUC's Biosolids Digester Facilities Project page to learn more about the project.
For more information on the BDFP's Areas/Buildings, click the links

MWH Constructors and Webcor Builders as a Joint Venture (MWH/Webcor, JV) is proud to have been selected as the Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC) to deliver the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP) at the Southeast Treatment Plant.
This project began with the collaboration of the engineering firms Brown & Caldwell, Jacobs, and Black & Veatch who designed this state-of-the-art facility. MWH/Webcor, JV oversees the procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning of the facility. SFPUC has also engaged a construction management consultant, Arcadis and CDM Smith. The design, CM/GC, and other professional services are contracted directly to the SFPUC.
We are committed to achieving an injury-free environment where everyone is responsible for safety and everyone is encouraged to:
Speak up for safety
Encourage safe work practices
Stop unsafe acts
Recognize workers for their hard work
It is the policy of the MWH/Webcor to provide employees with a safe place to work. The personal safety and health of each employee of this company are of prime importance. The prevention of accidents and injury will be given precedence over speed and productivity.
We have a safety program in place that will minimize injuries and surpass the best experience of other operations similar to ours. Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy work environment by establishing an exemplary safety culture that pervades the project at every level.